Sunday, August 10, 2008

BRICK Creation Challenge Results

I, on behalf of Young LEGO Enthusiasts of Florida, participated at Hollywood, FL's BRICK Creation Challenge at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood. since I was selectively placed into the 11-17 category, and I spent most of my contest time in the 1st floor, I can share the standings for the 11-17 and Team Categories.


Most Colorful: - 6 well done segments built with LEGO each having a brick-built person spelling 'People'

Most Creative: - A tan / red building consisting of many rooms and a great interior.

Most Complex: Mine. "Industrial City: A Community of Efficency" by me, the president of YLEF. - 2.5' x 2.5' of details from a minifig cleaning up a littered 3 track yard or an FEC contract driver to an FEC SD70M-2, a straddle crane, and two warehouses with trailers loading up with cargo.


Most Colorful: - Generally a modified board game replicated to LEGO.

Most Creative: - A cool magician with a rabbit coming off his hat :P

Most Complex: A favorite of mine. A well built, artistic, DNA structure. It JUST LOOKED AWESOME.

However, though one team MoC did not win, I would like to also, to some extent, recognize two kids' job on a castle. The structure had a lot of playability, and used a wide assortment of colors including Sand Green, Dark Orange, Dark Red, Greys, Black, Tan, and even Dark Tan! IMO it should have been given Honorable Mention...

If possible, I would like to know more on the winners. I know one from 6-10, that WTC Structure. Perhaps names of such creation would be welcome. Congrats on the winners, and see you next competition.